
CMRA – Collaborative mixed reality-aid for youths with autism

Purpose and goal

Individuals with autism often have problems with change. New situations and environments creates anxiety and worry and often limits their lives in many ways. CMRA is a digital aid developed, funded by Vinnova, for children and young people with autism. With the help of VR and AI technologies, a software has been created that gamifies the scenario and adapts to the user´s stress reactions in real time. Preparing at home in a calm and safe environment, gives the user a chance to gradually become more and more confident in a specific situation. Being exposed to the situation in reality will then not be a major leap.

Expected results and effects

The project has created a VR app that is a gamified aid for young people with autism with an AI. The tool helps users to prepare for new environments and new situations. The app has stress measurement sensors via puls bands and eye tracking analysis.

User tests and final interviews with young people from the target group and the accompanying parent or assistent resulted in very positive reactions. The project´s researchers have together formulated and submitted an ethical proposal and have intended to do further research on VR, AI, autism, psychology and pedagogy, using the tool.

Developed in collaboration with Tensaii:
Alexandra Björnham – project manager
Alexander Olsson – IT project manager and developer
Sabina Pawlus – UX designer
Martina Wallström – graphic designer
Miriam Borén – developer
Alfonso Huidobro Pereda – service designer
Mikael Hertz – VR expert
Paul Alvarado Mendoza – UX strategist
Tobias Tovedal – project coordinator

Umeå University
The department of computer science
The department of psychology
The department of pedagogy

Umeå municipality
Viva resurs
Umeå’s school for children with special needs

Region Västerbotten
Hjälpmedel Västerbotten
Children and Youth Habilitation

More reading (in Swedish)
Stöd till miljonprojekt i Umeå (
Kollaborativt mixed reality-hjälpmedel för ungdomar med autism – Process IT (

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